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Busan International Architecture Design Workshop is an immersed work experience that gives international students of architecture the opportunity to design and plan the regeneration of the deteriorated Jwacheon apartments. This workshop will give us a hands-on urban planning experience but we need your help to get there.

Donations are applied to...

Contributions will cover the expense of airfare for us to travel from the United States to Korea and coordinated transportation once we have arrived in Korea.

Personal Message

All of the international students are anticipating their experience to provide the people of South Korea an updated dwelling. Any donation is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to showcasing our work with you in early September once finished.

Why are donations necessary?

Round-trip airfare for each student is about $1,500 and is something most of us cannot afford out of pocket. With your help, we will be able to travel to South Korea and experience an amazing immersed work experience.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!