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Support ASME e-HPVc

Support ASME e-Human Powered Vehicle Competition

17 Supporters
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The purpose of this project is to represent USD at the annual American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) e-Fest in the e-Human Powered Vehicle Competition (e-HPVC) and to create a tradition of academic engineering excellence. The project is to design, manufacture, construct, test, and operate an electrically assisted human powered vehicle. Our team is devoted to utilizing sound engineering practices to win this year's design and endurance competition. This year's team aims to create a lightweight, aerodynamic vehicle for human transportation that can also showcase some innovative features incorporated by our team.

Donations are applied to...

This year, the BULL -E Racing Team will be embarking on a challenging mission to create an ongoing and long lasting tradition of engineering excellence. The “TAD-BULL'' is an electrically assisted human powered vehicle. Our new design will be built from the ground up with fully upgraded components. There are plans for 3-D printed carbon fiber components and innovative electrical assitance and regenerative braking. Donations to this year’s team will be used to buy the material and parts necessary for building a new vehicle, as well as covering the registration and travel fees needed to compete. We plan on building our frame from scratch, which will require lots of prefabricated carbon fiber supports. In addition, we will be equipping the frame with unique rollover protection, as well as upgraded aerodynamic fairings and onboard telemetry. These improvements are costly, but they will give our team a competitive advantage in the upcoming race and design competition.

Personal Message

Our gratitude has no bounds! This endeavor would be insurmountable without each and every donor. We consider every donor to be a part of our team and strive for excellence on your behalf as well as ours. -Jason Reyna, Basel Ali, Dylan Poole, Talal Abul, Tommy Burns, Basel Alkandari, Nathaniel Tinh, Walker Newton

Why are donations necessary?

The e- Human Powered Vehicle Competition team at the University of San Diego is not industry sponsored like other senior projects are. Funds come directly from the efforts of students alone and proportionally affect the outcome and experience for the students. We rely on the help and generosity of our peers, sponsors, and supporters like you in order for our project to be possible.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $500.0

  • - $500.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $200.0

  • - $20.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $200.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $10.0